Add Another Dog Tell us about your dogPlease complete one application per dog.Dog's First Name*Dog's Last Name*Sex*MaleFemaleBreed - Select your breed for list below*AluskyAppenzeller SennenhundAppenzeller Sennenhund MixAffenpinscherAffenpinscher MixAfghan HoundAfghan Hound MixAiredale TerrieAiredale Terrie MixAkitaAkita MixAlaskan MalamuteAlaskan Malamute MixAmerican Eskimo DogAmerican Eskimo Dog MixAnatolian Shepherd DogAnatolian Shepherd Dog MixAussiedoodleAussiedoodle MixAussie PomAustralian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog MixAustralian Cattle Dog MixAustralian KelpieAustralian Kelpie MixAustralian ShepherdAustralian Shepherd MixBasadorBasador MixBasenjiBasenji MixBasset HoundBasset Hound MixBeabullBeagleBeagle MixBeaglemanBearded CollieBearded Collie MixBelgian MalinoisBelgian Malinois MixBelgian SheepdogBelgian Sheepdog MixBelgian TervurenBelgian Tervuren MixBergamasco SheepdogBergamasco Sheepdog MixBerger PicarBerger Picar MixBernese Mountain DogBernese Mountain Dog MixBernedoodleBichon FriseBichon Frise MixBloodhoundBloodhound MixBlue Bay ShepherdBlue TerrierBlue Terrier MixBluetick CoonhoundBluetick Coonhound mixBoerboelsBoerboels mixBohemian ShepherdBohemian Shepherd MixBo-JackBolognesBolognes MixBorder CollieBorder Collie MixBorder TerrierBorder Terrier MixBorzoiBorzoi MixBoston TerrierBoston Terrier MixBouvier des FlandresBouvier des Flandres MixBoweimarBoxadorBoxerBoxer MixBoykin SpanielBoykin Spaniel MixBreedsBriardBriard MixBrittanyBrittany MixBrussels GriffonBrussels Griffon MixBull TerrierBull Terrier MixBullDogBullDog MixBullmanBullmastiffBullmastiff MixBullpugCairn TerrierCairn Terrier MixCanaan DogCanaan Dog MixCane CorsoCane Corso MixCarolina DogCarolina Dog MixCatahoula Leopard DogCatahoula Leopard Dog MixCavachonCavapomCavapom MixCavapooCavapoo MixCesky TerrieCesky Terrie MixCheagleChesapeake Bay RetrieverChesapeake Bay Retriever MixChihuahuaChihuahua MixChinese CrestedChinese Crested MixChiweenieChorkieChow ChowChow Chow MixChugChug MixChuskyCockapooCockapoo MixCocker PugCocker-PeiCocker SpanielCocker Spaniel MixCollieCollie MixCoonhoundCoonhound MixCorgipooCormanCorman ShepherdCormatianCoton de TulearCoton de Tulear MixDachshundDachshund MixDalmatianDalmatian MixDoberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher MixDoxiepooDoxiepoo MixDreverDrever MixDuck Tolling RetrieverDuck Tolling Retriever MixDutch ShepherdDutch Shepherd MixEnglish SetterEnglish Setter MixEntlebucher MountainEntlebucher Mountain MixField SpanielField Spaniel MixFlat-Coated RetrieverFlat-Coated Retriever MixFox HoundFox Hound MixFrench BulldogFrench Bulldog MixFrench SpanielFrench Spaniel MixGerman Longhaired PointerGerman Longhaired Pointer MixGerman Shepherd DogGerman Shepherd Dog MixGerman Short haired PointerGerman Short haired Pointer MixGerman Wirehaired PointerGerman Wirehaired Pointer MixGiant SchnauzerGiant Schnauzer MixGolden RetrieverGolden Retriever MixGoldendoodleGoldendoodle MixGordon SetterGordon Setter MixGreat DaneGreat Dane MixGreat PyreneesGreat Pyrenees MixGreater Swiss MountainGreater Swiss Mountain MixGreyhoundGreyhound MixHairless TerrierHairless Terrier MixHamiltonstovareHamiltonstovare MixHarrierHarrier MixHavaneseHavanese MixHokkaidoHokkaido MixHoundHound MixIbizan HoundIbizan Hound MixIcelandic SheepdogIcelandic Sheepdog MixIrish SetterIrish Setter MixIrish TerrierIrish Terrier MixIrish WolfhoundIrish Wolfhound MixItalian GreyhoundItalian Greyhound MixJapanese ChinJapanese Chin MixJindoJindo MixJugJug MixKai KenKai Ken MixKeeshondKeeshond MixKing Charles Cavalier SpanielKing Charles Cavalier Spaniel MixLabradoodleLabradoodle MixLabrador RetrieverLabrador Retriever MixLakeland TerrierLakeland Terrier MixLapphundLapphund MixLeonbergerLeonberger MixLhasa ApsoLhasa Apso MixLhasapooLhasapoo MixMalteseMaltese MixMaltipooMaltipoo MixMastiffMastiff MixMiniature American ShepherdMiniature American Shepherd MixMiniature Bull TerrierMiniature Bull Terrier MixMiniature PinscherMiniature Pinscher MixMiniature PoodleMiniature Poodle MixMiniature SchnauzerMiniature Schnauzer MixMorkieMountain CurMountain Cur MixMunsterlander PointerMunsterlander Pointer MixNeapolitan MastiffNeapolitan Mastiff MixNederlandse KooikerhondjeNederlandse Kooikerhondje MixNewfoundlandNewfoundland MixNorfolk TerriersNorfolk Terriers MixNorwegian BuhundNorwegian Buhund MixNorwegian ElkhoundNorwegian Elkhound MixOld English SheepdogOld English Sheepdog MixOtterhoundOtterhound MixPapillonPapillon MixPekeapooPekeapoo MixPekingesePekingese MixPlott HoundPlott Hound MixPointerPointer MixPomapooPomapoo MixPomeranianPomeranian MixPortuguese PointerPortuguese Pointer MixPortuguese SheepdogPortuguese Sheepdog MixPortuguese Water DogPortuguese Water Dog MixPugPug MixPugapooPugapoo MixPugglePuggle MixRat TerrierRat TerrierRedbone CoonhoundRedbone Coonhound MixRhodesian RidgebackRhodesian Ridgeback MixRottweilerRottweiler MixRussell TerrierRussell Terrier MixSaint BernardSaint Bernard MixSalukiSaluki MixSamoyedSamoyed MixScenthoundScenthound MixSchnoodleSchnoodle MixScottish TerrierScottish Terrier MixShar-PeiShar-Pei MixShetland SheepdogShetland Sheepdog MixShiba InuShiba Inu MixShih TzuShih Tzu MixShihpooShihpoo MixShikokuShikoku MixSiberian HuskySiberian Husky MixSilky TerrierSilky Terrier MixSpanish MastiffSpanish Mastiff MixSpanish Water DogSpanish Water Dog MixSpitzSpitz MixSpringer SpanielSpringer Spaniel MixStaffordshire Bull TerrierStaffordshire Bull Terrier MixStaffordshire TerrierStaffordshire Terrier MixStandard PoodleStandard Poodle MixStandard SchnauzerStandard Schnauzer MixSwedish VallhundSwedish Vallhund MixTerrierTerrier MixTibetan SpanielTibetan Spaniel MixToy Fox TerrierToy Fox Terrier MixToy PoodleToy Poodle MixToy SpanielToy Spaniel MixTreeing Tennessee BrindleTreeing Tennessee Brindle MixTreeing Walker CoonhoundTreeing Walker Coonhound MixVizslaVizsla MixWater DogWater Dog MixWater SpanielWater Spaniel MixWeimaranerWeimaraner MixWelsh CorgiWelsh Corgi MixWest Highland White TerrierWest Highland White Terrier MixWheaten TerrierWheaten Terrier MixXoloitzcuintliXoloitzcuintli MixYakutian LaikasYakutian Laikas MixYorkipooYorkipoo MixYorkshire TerrierOtherIf Other breed - please specifyColor - Select a color or color combination from list*BlackBlack , White, and TanBlack and RedBlack and TanBlack and WhiteBlack and Yellow (gold)BlueBlue and BlackBlue and TanBlue and WhiteBlue and Yellow (gold)Blue MerleBrindleBrindle and BlackBrindle and TanBrindle and WhiteBrindle and Yellow (gold)BrownBrown and BlackBrown and Gray(silver)Brown and WhiteBrown and Yellow(gold)CreamCream and BlackCream and BrownCream and TanGoldGold and BlackGold and Gray(silver)Gold and Tan(brown)Gold and WhiteGray (silver and BrownGray (Silver)Gray (Silver) and BlackGray (Silver) and TanGray (Silver) and WhiteLiverLiver and BlackLiver and BrindleLiver and TanLiver and whiteMerle (marble coated)OrangePeachRedRed and BlackRed and TanRed and WhiteRed MerleSable (black tipped hairs)TanTan and BlackTan and GrayTan and WhiteTan and yellowTri-Color (three colors)Tuxedo (solid black with white chest)WhiteWhite and BlackWhite and BrownWhite and Gray(Silver)White and TanYellowYellow and BlackYellow and brownyellow and GrayYellow and whiteIs your dog spayed/neutered?*YesNoWhat is your dog's birthday?* MM DD YYYY Dog's Age?*Does your dog have a police and/or bite report?*YesNoPolice and/or Bite Report PolicyIf your dog has a Police and/or Bite Report please continue with the registration and contact our office at: 908-479-6882 to discuss the report. Please also explain in as much detail as you can why the police were contacted and any other important information in the field below.Explain the reason for the Police and/or Bite ReportYour Dog's PersonalityIs your dog friendly towards other dogs?*YesNoExplainIs your dog friendly towards people?*YesNoExplainWhat does your dog do when somebody takes a toy/food away from them?What does your dog do when somebody touches their neck when asleep?Is your dog afraid of anything (example thunder or loud noise?)Other behavioral information we should know:Tell us about your dog's medical history.Veterinarian Office*Please choose your current Veterinarian.Choose One....Select your vet…All Pets Vet Hospital, Branchburg NJAlpha Vet, Alpha NJAnimal Health Center, Stewartsville NJAnimal Hospital of Clinton Perryville, Hampton NJAnimal Mansion Veterinary Hospital, Columbia NJAVH Veterinary Group, Pen Argyl PABernardsville Animal Hospital, Bernardsville NJBlack River Veterinary Hospital, Chester NJBlaicher Veterinary Health Care, Bedminster NJBlairstown Animal Hospital, Blaristown NJBranchburg Animal Hospital, Branchburg NJBudd Lake Animal Hospital, Hackettstown NJCalifon Animal Hospital, Califon NJCanyon River Run Vet Clinic, Phillipsburg NJChristmas City Veterinary Hospital, Bethleham PAClover Hill Animal Hospital, Flemington NJCreature Comforts Veterinary Service, Saylorsburg PACross River Veterinary Service, Bangor PACrown Veterinary Specialist, Lebanon NJCumming Veterinary Hospital, Easton PADurham Valley Vets, Ottsville PADutt Veterinary Hospital, Mt Bethel PAEast Plane Animal Hospital, Hackettstown NJEaston Animal Hospital, Easton PAFlanders Veterinary Clinic, Flanders NJFlemington Veterinary Hospital, Flemington NJFrench Town Veterinary Clinic, Frenchtown NJGlen Manor Veterinary, Glen Cardner NJHackettstown Animal Hospital, Hackettstown NJHampton Animal Hospital, Hampton NJHarmony Vet Hosp, Phillipsburg NJHunterdon Home Vet, Flemington NJLambertville Animal Hospital, Lamberville NJLeck Veterinary, Pen Argyl PALock town Veterinary, Flemington NJLong Valley Animal Hospital, Long Valley NJMeadow brook Animal Hospital, Ottsville PAMobile Vet Grandin, Pittstown NJMobile Vet Hampton Junction, Hampton NJMobile Vet Lock town, Flemington NJMobile Vet New Hampton, Washington NJMobile Veterinary Services, Stockton NJMom's Veterinary Clinic, Pipersville PAMountain Lake Veterinary, Flanders NJMt Bethel Animal Hospital, Mt Bethel PANazareth Veterinary Center PC, Nazareth PANew Hope Veterinary Hospital, New Hope PAOldwick Animal Hospital, White house Station NJPhillipsburg Veterinary Clinic, Phillipsburg NJPleasant Valley Veterinary Services, Washington NJSomerset Veterinary Group, Somerset NJSouth Branch Veterinary Services, Lebanon NJSpring Mills Veterinary Hospital, Milford NJSpruce Run Veterinary Hospital, Clinton NJStockton Veterinary Hospital, Stockton NJStraws to Paws, Washington NJThe Village Veterinarian, Bangor PAThoreau Veterinary Hospital, Easton PAVCA Northside Animal Hospital, Bethlehem PAVeterinary Acupuncture, Stewartsville NJVoorhees Corner Vet Clinic, Flemington NJWarren Animal Hospital, Phillipsburg NJWashington Animal Hospital, Washington NJWest Hunterdon Animal Hospital, Flemington NJWhitehouse Station VetWilliam Penn Veterinary Hospital, Easton PAWright Veterinary Medical Center, Bethlehem PAOtherOther VeterinarianDescribe any physical problems, illness, skin problems, or other conditions that your dog has:What medication is your dog currently taking and the reason for it?What dietary restrictions and/or allergies does your dog have?Has your dog ever had a tick-borne disease?*(Lyme, Anaplasmosis, etc.)YesNoWhich ones?Is there anything else that you feel we should know about your dog?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.